Week 2
1. Am I "Bounding Buster"?
My Territory Inventory:
Take a fresh look at your behavior-are you ready to step up for a larger life for God? Score yourself using this standard: (1) No, not yet. (2) Rarely, if ever. (3) Sometimes. (4) Quite often. (5) Yes, regularly.
(3) I feel restless to take on greater challenges for God.
(4) I ask God to enlarge the size and scope of my personal influence for Him.
(4) I watch out for potential areas where I might minister to others.
(5) I overcome my initial fears when faced with a new ministry opportunity.
(3) I am ready to make significant personal sacrifices in order to touch this world for God.
(19) YOUR SCORE: Total the values assigned to the five statements. If you scored. . .
21-25 You're eager to take new territory for God.
16-20 You're checking out some travel brochures.
11-15 You're not opposed to a walk around the block.
5-10 You need to get out more!
I know they are long answers, but I just wanted to share that from the study book.
2. What does territory mean, and where is mine?
Depending on the Bible version you're reading, the word territory in I Chronicles 4:10 may also be translated as borders or coast. In Jabez's time, the more land you had, the more provisions, security, and influence you enjoyed. I believe that Jabez desired to enlarge his territory because as an honorable man he wanted more opportunity to make a mark for the God of Israel. Like Jabez, we have territory-many spheres of influence that overflow with unlimited opportunities. This territory includes all those whose lives we touch, whether in family, church, business, school, or community. In the same way that God blesses us for a purpose, He is ready to expand our territory for a purpose-so we will have more influence for Him.
List three areas of influence where you have the most potential impact. Then list one person in each area that you are in a position to influence most. This is to help find your territory, Ok!
Job……………….. Mabill
Friends………….. Sandra
3. What does the Bible say about taking territory for God?
The Bible says God seeks a people to worship and serve Him by bringing His salvation to the world. The Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) reveals God's missionary heart to reach all nations through His people, the Jews, and ultimately His Son, Jesus Christ (see Galatians 3:8). In the New Testament, the focus shifts from reaching the world through the Jewish nation to reaching the world through the church-those who have come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, without regard to nation or race. "For God so loved the world. . ." Jesus told Nicodemus (John 3:16). Talk about expanded borders! Jesus Christ came to die for the sins of the whole world (Luke 19:10). Now, instead of possessing land for God's glory, our mission is to "Go. . . and make disciples of all nations."
4. How could God work through me to reach others?
God has plans to help us reach across boundary lines and touch lives for Him. This study calls them Jabez appointments. They occur when you respond to what seems to be a divinely arranged encounter . . . and you invite God to act. Often, your appointment starts with a simple question: "How may I help you?" (Read Acts 10).
This week I had the opportunity to minister to the family, and I am not satisfied because I was so caught up in hurt, I didn't respond as I desire; I am asking God's Holy Spirit to help me with this.
5. What would my life look like if God enlarged my borders?
Personally, I believe I would be traveling through-out this area right now, or I would be around more family members where I am working at now, so I can have more influence on more people, and I would see more fruits develop. My territory is with this family now, but trusting God in the next assignment for more territory to witness for Him.
6. What keeps me from reaching for more territory?
I have to stop feeling that everyone around me has heard about God. Sometimes the people around us still need to hear more about God, so they can reach out to others too. I need to step out more when it comes to witnessing to those around me, especially when I can't reach others; reach those around me first. Maybe this is fear that they want hear because I think they have already heard, not sure. I am praying about this now.
I read in this study that boarder, limits, and comfort zones can hinder us too. We all have them-invisible lines we don't want to cross. Why? Because we think the really good life is on this side of the line, where everything is safe and known. But think about it: Doesn't God sometimes heap blessings on your life so that you can't wait to step across that line to tell someone about God's love? Yes, I do remember these times. If you have the book please read pages (32-33) for more on this subject.
Also the book tell us about the barbed wire thinking that fences us in, and the wire cutters, fence-busters, and the new horizon-makers. You will see this on those pages too.
I am praying for a Jabez Miracle. God is ready to answer our prayers for a Jabez miracle. He will arrange our day so we connect with the right person, give us words to say when we can't think of any, provide wisdom we didn't know we had, give us boldness when we feel fear, and bring to mind key scriptures related to the situation. I know this is true! I've experienced it many times. I am praying the end prayer as much as I can through-out the week.
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