Monday, December 16, 2013


1 Why do you think significant time in daily praise is so vital to prayer and pleasing to God? What does it suggest when we rush through praise to get to our list of needs?
God in habits our praises, and our primary purpose is to praise and worship the Father.  And because we should love the Lord thy God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind. 
2   Why is significant time in daily confession so essential to spiritual power? What does it suggest when we quickly gloss over confession to get to our prayer lists?
Because it helps us to maintain a spirit-filled life, and confession and cleansing represent the primary ways we grow and become conformed to the image of Christ.
3   Should our petitions center on earthly or eternal concerns? Explain your answer.
The more time you spend with God, the more you will learn to ask petitions that bring the most eternal good.  As you learn to  let God guide your petitions, you will see more and more miraculous answers. A balanced prayer life is built on personal petitions that a biblically based and born from the heart of God Himself.
4    Why should intercession be a regular part of every believer's prayer life?  Give examples of important subjects for consistent intercession.
It is the type of prayer that focus on the needs of others, and because it is a broad category of prayer that covers anything from praying for the lost to praying for God's blessing on a great evangelist or pastor, and for all of the great Kingdom issues.
5    In what way is meditation the "listening" element of your prayer relationship with God? Why is listening such a vital part of genuine prayer?
Prayer is our discovering what God wants to do and joining Him as co-laborers through our prayers. Through meditating, you learn to hear God's leading and then your prayers initiate from His heart and mind, AMEN!

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