Monday, August 4, 2014


Saving Faith Quiz:


1. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
(X) True   or  False

2. Faith comes by hearing the word of God.
(X) True   or  False

3. The unjust shall live by faith.
True   or  (X) False

4. A faithful person will abound with blessings.
(X) True   or  False

5. God's people should live by faith.
(X) True   or  False

6. All things should be asked in unwavering faith.
(X) True   or  False

7. Faith expresses itself by love.
True   or  (X) False

8. By God's gift of grace, we are saved through faith.
(X) True   or  False

9. Faith is the helmet in our armour of God.
True   or  (X) False

10. Faith should be placed in the wisdom of men.
True  or   (X) False

11. Christians should fight the good fight of faith wherever they are sent.
(X) True   or  False

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