Thursday, November 6, 2014


1).        What is godly wisdom?

Godly wisdom is the capacity to see things from the Father's viewpoint and respond according to Scriptural principles. (knowing what to do next)
2).        The Book of Proverbs gives "__________" which appears to be like "_____"      
The book of Proverbs gives principles for living, which appears to be like scattered. ."

The various subjects that it deals with are sprinkled throughout the book, seemingly disconnected, often it appears to have no association to the declaration given just previous, or the following truth stated. The reader runs across a proverb on child rearing, and the very next breath is a proverb on a completely different subject, such as gossip or riches. Why is this?  It seems, at times, as if Solomon dropped his manuscript and the pages got shuffled when he put them back together!

There are those who hesitant to get too excited over the book of Proverbs because of this sprinkled style of presenting truth. This seems to be a common aversion in studying what appears to be very difficult to comprehend. However, as one begins to apply himself to what he reads in the book of Proverbs, he will find that, instead of spending time on the outskirts of his problems, and not being able to come to grips with them, the book of Proverbs will give him ability to strip aside the obvious and come to the heart of the matter more quickly. I know that was long, but it explains fully.
3).        Proverbs' wisdom is more of __ wisdom, than head ___.

It is more of heart wisdom, than it is head knowledge.
4).        How does God present wisdom in Proverbs?

The reason for the arrangement of the book of Proverbs is because God is presenting wisdom as the supreme treasure to the diligent seeker. God is not speaking of any one subject in life, but, rather He is stating that wisdom is to be in all of life's experiences. The "wisdom" given in the book of Proverbs, permeates every category of life. All facets of wisdom is set forth. All shade into one another, and any one of them can be used to represent the whole. Here, in the book of Proverbs, God's "moral-presentation" is given, dealing with God's "righteousness, justice, and equity," enabling the believer to do what is right just and fair! No matter what the subject, difficult situation, or problem one faces, a principle given here, is always there to meet the need, whatever it might be.
5).        From the moment one rises in the morning until he goes to sleep at night, his life is one continuing series of decisions and, the book of Proverbs, can able him to make decisions which are ___, ____and ___.

Decisions that are right, just, and fair
6).        We have already learned in this study that the Hebrew word which is translated as "understanding," when it is used in conjunction with the word "wisdom," has a far deeper meaning that just "head-knowledge," it has the explicit meaning of "___ _ ___ ____ ___ _"

It has the explicit meaning of "carrying out a decision between good and evil.  Also, this Hebrew word "understanding" has the meaning to "stand under," by acting on what God says, and, in doing so, it activates wisdom. The word "understanding" has the meaning of responding to life's situation, as God would act.
7).        Reading the Book of Proverbs is like searching for_____________.

It is like searching diligently for the wisdom of God  
8).        How are we to seek for wisdom?

We seek wisdom as searching for hidden treasure, because the Word says, "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can be compared to her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed . . ."(Proverbs 2:4; 3:13-18; 4:7)
9).        What did God promise King Solomon, and what was the result?

As said in (1 Kings 3:5-4:34) Rather than power, money or fame, Solomon asked for "wisdom."

And God granted his request and the book of Proverbs is the result! 
Solomon was given "wisdom" as God had promised. [Solomon was probably the only man who ever received this wisdom, without having to demonstrate it in his life.] Solomon did show wisdom by his writings, by building the Temple, by maintaining peace in Israel, and by stimulating commerce throughout the land of Israel, however, it must be noted, that he did some very unwise things.
10).      As stated in this lesson, ___is given by God, ___ by the Holy Spirit, and __ ___to us.
Wisdom is given by God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and passed down to us.
11).      Explain (Psalm 1:1-3) and (Joshua 1:8).

God's Word should be look upon as the most precious thing in our life. We know that life bring problems, but if we abide by these laws, then our life will be prosperous; we make our life prosperous because we obey them by walking in the Spirit of wisdom.
12).      What is the prayer that is provided in this lesson?

"God, here are the decisions I must make and here are the circumstances I am confronted with. Please would You guide me in my reading and give me insight in those principles that will apply to my particular situation."
13).      The Book of Proverbs will indeed make one _ and provide ___and ____of ___.

Proverbs will indeed make one wise and provide strength and soundness of character.

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