Thursday, December 18, 2014


 Before I end this week's study I want to share this.....

(((((Special Report!)))))

What You Have Heard Is True!

About 30 years after Jesus Christ, a wealthy man named Theophilus became interested in following Jesus. Some of the stories he heard about Jesus seemed too strange to be true. So he asked an investigator to get the facts about what Jesus had really done and taught. This special investigator learned as much as he could about Jesus' life, work and teachings. He then wrote an organized documentary about Jesus. We call it the Gospel of Luke.

I have been blessed through this study. It has bought joy in my heart concerning the Christmas season. Sometimes when you look at the way the world system is going toward Biblical knowledge, it hurts, but God's Spirit will encourage you no matter what. Jesus ministry was all about preaching, teaching, and working the works of God; and when you read and study it, then it brings that joy, strength, and love to your heart that Jesus was preaching. We have looked on the study to gain knowledge, but on the spiritual side, its a blessing to gain that revelation God gives you when you go deep into His Word, and when you put your whole heart into it, amen. You think about who Jesus preached and taught these words to concerning repentance, and it causes you to search your heart and repent. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward all men.

Its a great study of Good News of great joy!!!     

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