Friday, March 6, 2015


1).   Spiritually speaking, as sheep what should we do when we are lost?

We must confess our sin to God, accept Jesus as our Savior (Shepherd), and be willing to follow our Shepherd where He leads us daily.  We must study God's Word once we are find, and eat adequate spiritual food, and drink spiritual water from the Spirit of God.


2).   Describe the ministry, mastery, and majesty of the Shepherd.

The Ministry of the Shepherd - "He restoreth my soul..." He keep us from danger.

The Mastery of the Shepherd - "He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness..."He lead us daily to good grounds to feed our soul, so we can live a righteous life before God.

The Majesty of the Shepherd - "for His name sake"  We should walk in righteous ways that bring glory to the Father's good name.


3).   What purposes does the rod serve?

The rod serves at least two purposes. It keep us from danger and to help develop us.  Discipline is more than punishment. It is preventative development. Listen to this, there is a danger in no discipline. Today youth is not being discipline as they should be, amen.


4).   What do Hebrews 12:11 says? New International Version (NIV)

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." AMEN!


5).   Spiritually, what does the staff means?

Spiritually, that staff is used to draw us to the Lord, so we can serve Him, and be protected from the enemy.  It can be used in many different ways, such as, drawing, guiding,  and lifting. Amen. Can you see that?


6).   Name a few "wants" in our life we shall not want.

Rest, Peace, Forgiveness, Guidance, Companionship, Comfort, Provision , Joy, Everything in time, and Everything in eternity.  What hope we have!!!  Thank You Lord.


7).   Give another good reason the Rod is good for.

In caring and examining the sheep. I like how it was stated.  Listen to this, "But the skilled judge will take his rod and part the sheep's wool to determine the condition of the skin, the cleanliness of the fleece and the conformation of the body. In plain language, "One just does not pull the wool over his [judge's] eyes."


8).   This weeks' "word of the week" pardon means what?

To excuse or forgive (a person) for (an offence, mistake,); to pardon someone; to pardon a fault.  God did that for us, amen. When He restored us to our fellowship with Him as Adam had, He forgave the sin. Glory to God!


9).   What do Jehovah-Rapha means?

It means that God heal His people, and He restores our soul, our inner-man. Jehovah-Rapha has healed my soul today.


10).   Give a brief summary of "He restore my soul."

We are saved by grace, restored by grace and kept by grace. Listen to this……

The New Testament make it clear that under the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit as grace from God the Father has been made available to all who truly believe on Jesus Christ. Everyone whom God the Father calls, and who believes, repents and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior, and is then baptized by full immersion in water—into the death of Jesus Christ—is granted the grace of the Holy Spirit as the earnest of God's promise of eternal life. Under the New Covenant, the grace of God is truly poured out upon the believer in a most profound way! Through this spiritual grace (restored) with the Holy Spirit of God, the true believer enters into a personal relationship with God the Father and his or her personal Savior Jesus Christ. We have been restored to the position we had before Adam and Eve sinned. We can now have a close relationship with the Father, the God who created us.


11).   Read and examine all the previous versions, including chapter three, which one gives more understanding?


(NIV) New International Version: This version had more to offer from the last three studies.


"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths
 for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil,
 for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me
 in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the
Lord forever."



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