Wednesday, March 18, 2015


 1).    How do God prepare a table before our enemies?


This means that God provide us with spiritual abundance, we have all we need when we put our trust in the Lord. He comfort us in ways we just cannot do ourselves. This is talking about spiritual food-Matthew 24:45.  All of God's servants enjoy a bountiful feast of spiritual food that is taught to them by means of God's word, the Bible, Christians meetings, Bible-based publications. Although we live in a hostile world, we are well fed, while our enemies go spiritually hungry. How are they spiritually hungry? They don't know why all the bad things are happening in the world today or how to cope, they don't know why they are here on earth, what the purpose of life is, how to be truly happy in a troubled world, how to truly love others, don't know how or when true peace and security will come. They don't know the true condition of the dead and where the dead are and they even may fear the dead or death itself because of wrongly thinking they will face torture after death, or that it is happening to a loved one. Christians know about these things and are peaceful, content and happy, even while among their enemies


2).    Our perception of God will determine what in our life?


Our perception of God will determine our personal relationship with Him. God wants us to know that He has welcomed us and that He loves us. It will determine our relationship with the Lord.


3).    Can God prepare a table in the wilderness?


Yes, He can! Reading Psalm 78:19 "19 They spoke against God, saying, "Can God spread a table in the wilderness? 20 He smote the rock so that water gushed out and streams overflowed.
Can he also give bread, or provide meat for his people?" 21 Therefore, when the Lord heard, he was full of wrath; a fire was kindled against Jacob, his anger mounted against Israel; 22 because they had no faith in God, and did not trust his saving power. 23 Yet he commanded the skies above, and opened the doors of heaven; 24 and he rained down upon them manna to eat, and gave them the grain of heaven. 25 Man ate of the bread of the angels; he sent them food in abundance."


4).    Why do God anoint us?


God think that we are very special. And, He anoints us so we can carry the Gospel to all the world. That anointing enables us to do what we could not do. It is also an application of His antidote, a renewed application, a continuous anointing of God's gracious Spirit to live day by day.


5).    Who is the host in verse (5), and how do they invite us to the Kingdom?


The Host in verse five is a picture of Jesus and of the blessings we receive from Him.


6).    What is the barrier to the enjoyment of the blessings God has provided for us?


The only barrier to the enjoyment of the blessings of Ps 23 is a lack of trust in the Shepherd.


7).    Divine prosperity can be measured in at least three ways, what are they?


The divine prosperity can be measured in at least three ways—physically, materially, and spiritually.


8).    What are the four different tables prepared before us in Psalm 78:19-22?


1. A table of Replenishment.
2. A table of Restoration
3. A table of Remembrance
4. A table of Rejoicing


9).    Who stablish and anoint us for the work of ministry?


The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, "Now He which stablisheth you in Christ, and hath anointed us is God; who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts." Thank God for the freshness of that anointing. See also Psalms 92:10 and Psalms 45:7.


10).   How do God protect us from the enemy?


Through His Word!  If we would read, study, and apply His Word, then we have our protection.


11).   Explain I Peter 5:8 in this lesson.


First let's read I Peter 5:8………

"Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."


Now let's read what the lesson says……………………"Often what actually happens is that these crafty ones are up on the rimrock watching every movement the sheep make, hoping for a chance to make a swift, sneaking attack that will stampede the sheep. Then one or other of the flock is bound to fall easy prey to the attacker's fierce teeth and claws."


In our life today, the enemy is real and he still seek to steal, kill, and destroy us every day through deception. We must be alert at all times, and praying all the time.



12).    Who is the predator in the spirit?

The predator is the devil, the enemy, Satan, and sometimes our own flesh.  But this is talking about Satan himself.


13).    Who is the sheep-man?


I like this one!  The Sheep-man is our Shepherd Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, who watches over us day and night. Amen.



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