Tuesday, March 24, 2015




Father God, thank You for your presence in our lives. Paradise is in Your presence forever. Thank You for Your goodness and mercy. Your grace and mercy has been our help always. All the days of our lives You have promised that You would be with us. We thank You. Thank You Lord, because your grace and mercy has been with us, and we are so grateful. We ask that Your Holy Spirit keep us reminded of this scripture when time get hard. Help us to learn more about how it's a blessing to be in Your presence all the days of our life. As the Word says, surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life, and depend on that so we can live a good life for Your glory. Father God, help us to always keep heaven before our eyes. Thank You Jesus for preparing a place for us. Thank You Lord God almighty for Your love and caring for us as Your sheep. We are so grateful that You sent Your Son Jesus to dye for us, so we can truly say, The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want. As we study this help us to experience such a glorious relationship with You that we too can say in our hearts, The Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall not want, and live this to the fullest. AMEN. 



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