Thursday, April 9, 2015




1).   What happen between 6am and the 3rd hour of Jesus 'life?


Jesus stands trial before Pilate, Jesus sent to Herod, Jesus returned to Pilate, and Pilate sentenced Him to death, then Jesus is led away to Calvary.


2).   In reading the timeline, what happen in Luke 23:6-12?


I really enjoyed reading the timeline. In this part of the timeline, Pontius Pilate (Governor or Procurator of Judaea) declares Christ innocent, but the high priests was angry saying, Jesus was stirring up the people to believe Him, and not their doctrine. Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to King Herod (the Tetrarch or Ruler of Palestine). Pilate didn't want Jesus' blood on his hands. King Herod was glad to see Jesus because he wanted to see miracles done by Jesus, but didn't believe Him at all. The chief priests and scribes stood and accused Jesus before Herod. They mocked Him, and put royal clothing on Him, and then sent Him back to Pontius Pilate.


3).   Which book of the Gospel give more on Jesus before Pilate?


All four Gospels record this event (Matthew 27:1-2; 11-14; Mark 15:1-5; Luke 23:1-5; John 18:28-38).


4).   How long did Jesus' final hours of suffering last on the cross?


It lasted from 9am that morning until 3pm that evening, which was the ninth hour of the day. Total hours was six (6) hours.


5).   What is Via Dolorosa?


The Via Dolorosa, literally "the sorrowful way," is the traditional route in Jerusalem which our Lord traveled on the day of His crucifixion from the judgment seat of Pilate, also called the Praetorium (Matthew 27:2-26), to the place of His crucifixion on Mount Calvary. After his judgment by Pontius Pilate, the Lord Jesus was beaten, mocked and spit upon by the Roman soldiers (Matthew 27:26-31). Then he was forced to carry His own cross through the streets of Jerusalem to Golgotha, where He was crucified (Matthew 27:32-50). The Via Dolorosa is now marked with fourteen "stations of the cross" commemorating fourteen incidents that took place along the way. At least five of these incidents are not recorded in the Bible, springing instead from Roman Catholic tradition. Of the ones that are mentioned in Scripture, the actual place of the events along the way, such as the scourging (John 19:1-3) and the carrying of the cross by Simon of Cyrene (Matthew 27:32), are not known. The Bible does not specifically mention the Via Dolorosa. All we know from Scripture is that Jesus carried His cross from the Praetorium to the site on Mount Calvary where He was crucified. The locations of these two sites are not known for certain, but wherever they were, the route between them was truly a sorrowful way. The scourging and physical pain the Lord Jesus suffered was minor in comparison to the pain caused by the real burden He was bearing—the burden of the sins of all believers. He bore our sins to the cross where He paid the penalty for them all.

6).   When did Passion Week begin?


It last from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday).


7).   Do you really believe God has forgiven your sins?


Yes, I do! I believe that in my heart. I asked Him for forgiveness, and He is trustworthy to forgive as the Word says.


8).   Do you take time on a regular basis to confess your sins so that you might enjoy the freedom of forgiveness?


Yes, I do! The Word says that King David was a man after God's own heart because he always asked forgiveness. Sometimes we may not know we have sinned against our Holy God, therefore I truly believe we should ask continuously not because we don't believe He forgives, but because we still live in this flesh and still make mistakes.


9).    Do you need to experience God's forgiveness in a fresh way today?


Always! I ask God for forgive throughout the day, especially when I acknowledge a wrong I made, or when I am just talking to Him. I practice this daily.


10).   What compelled Jesus to go to the cross?


What a question!!!  Jesus went to the cross because of His love for the world, and His compassion for people and their needs.


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