Wednesday, April 15, 2015


This is one of mine daily email devotions
Confess, Believe, Receive

If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. —Romans 10:9

It's so easy to receive from God. God made it easy. He purchased everything we could ever need and then told us, "Just take it." Someone may say, "But believing God for healing is so hard." Wait! Do you know you're saved? Doesn't that mean you've already believed for the biggest miracle there is? One day you said, "Lord, I believe in my heart Jesus was raised from the dead for me. I receive Him as my Savior, and I'm a new creature in Christ!" You didn't labor and strain and stand on the Word of God for years to get saved. Neither do you get up every morning to see if you still feel saved. You know you're saved, because the Bible tells you so! Well, if getting saved is the biggest miracle, would a lesser miracle such as healing be more difficult to receive? No! We receive salvation and healing exactly the same way; they're both part of redemption. You'll be amazed at your results if you simply receive healing by faith the same way you once received salvation. Just say, "Lord, I believe by Jesus' stripes I'm healed, and I receive You as my Healer now. I count it done in Jesus' name!" Don't check to see if you feel healed—you aren't healed because you feel better. You're healed because the Bible says so. And if you hold fast to your faith, your healing will come to pass.

Confession: I confess from a believing heart that Jesus is my Savior— and my Healer. I receive healing now by the stripes of Jesus.
 I posted the devotion here too, because when I read it this morning, it reminded me of my confession of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, also that the malefactor confessed when he was dying, but we should not wait until then. God's mercy was on that person that day.  Thank You for Your mercy today, Lord, that people will not wait, but will acknowledge and confess You as Savior of their life. You died for the world, and I am so grateful.


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