Week # 6 Weekly Obedient Question: Read and discuss John 4:31–34 in light of the question, "How important was it for Jesus to obey His Father?"
In explaining this passage I would say its leading subject is service. The Lord was giving needed instruction to His disciples, and preparing them for their future work. He sets before them a concise yet remarkably complete outline of the fundamental principles which underlie all acceptable service for God. The all-important and basic principle is that of absolute obedience to the will of God. The servant must do the will of his master. This the perfect Servant Himself exemplified. Note how He refers to God. He does not say here, "My meat is to do the will of the Father," but "the will of Him that sent me." That shows it is service which is in view to a Mighty God and Creator, amen. Jesus obedience was out of His respect for the Creator, the omnipotent God, which was His Father.
Week # 6 Weekly Application Question: How does the creation account motivate me to obey my Lord?
That is a good question to ask ourselves, and a good question to study so we can see the importance of Who God really is, especially concerning His creation. It took me time to really look inside of me and answer this question personally. How does the creation account motivate me, not someone else, but me to obey my Lord? I say it again, good question! I stand in awe, reverence, and an inspiring sense of God creation; this fear moves me in such a way I know that God smiles when that comes over me. Looking at God's creation and knowing that He created all of this causes me to want to obey Him in every way I can, I mean in every way. When I know I have not obeyed God, I sense a deep sadness in my soul, spirit, therefore knowing that He created me motivate me to praise Him and to pray that I would obey Him.
Week # 6 Obedience Bible Quiz: True or False
1. Through obedience we become a treasure to God.
2. Obedience brings blessings.
3. Obedience can bring prosperity and pleasure.
1. Through obedience we become a treasure to God. True (Exodus 19:5)
2. Obedience brings blessings. True (Deuteronomy 28:1)
3. Obedience can bring prosperity and pleasure. True (Job 36:11)
Week # 6 Memory Verse: Joshua 1:9
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
Week # 6 Weekly Reading Assignments: II Corinthians 7- II Corinthians 13
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