Saturday, October 1, 2016


Let's talk about our healing book "Prescription for a Miracle" by Mark Brazee. I love this book because it's a powerful message concerning God's power and His love for His people. God still work miracle today! Yes He does! We have to believe God's total Word, and not just believe it was for the people of old. Jesus died for the whole world, amen. It's divine! It's awesome! I have received miracle over and over again since I started reading this devotion. It's have been over sixteen years for me now. My heart is so caught up in it I just believe my healing is coming because of Who God is, and what Jesus received on my behalf "For by His stripes we were healed." We have three witnesses and more from the Word that testify to this, amen.  Let's read and then talk about it through nuggets and questions. First, let me say this, you have to know God's will in order to receive His promise and live it.


God Is Willing To Heal

And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. —Matthew 8:2,3

This leper is the only person in the New Testament to question God's will to heal. This man is also the first in the four Gospels whom Jesus heals. So the first thing God does through Jesus is to clear up the question: Is it God's will to heal? A major obstacle between Christians and miracles today is they know God is able to heal, but they don't know if He's willing. Many pray, "Lord, heal this person, if it be Thy will." Under the Levitical law, a leper was unclean and had to live in the wilderness away from civilization. This particular leper, however, had apparently heard that Jesus was healing people and took risks to get well. The leper fell before Jesus and said, "Lord, if it's Your will, make me clean." He came to Jesus desiring to be healed. But desire wasn't enough. The leper didn't receive anything until Jesus cleared up the question of His willingness. One translation of verse 3 says, "Jesus stretched out his hand and placed it on the leper saying, 'Of course I want to. Be clean!'" (PHILLIPS). When Jesus answered the leper and said, "I will, I want to," Jesus was giving that same answer to all mankind—including you. God is able and willing to heal you. He wants to! You must teach, so they can hear, and then be healed.

Confession: With two words, "I will," Jesus showed me beyond a doubt that God's will for me is divine health. According to Your will, Lord, I accept my healing.


Please read these scriptures (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24; Psalm 103:3; Matthew 4:23, 8:3. Revelation 22:6.)


 Week # 2:    Weekly Prayer:


Father God, You are so worthy to be praised. You are an awesome God, there is none like You, Lord. Father, as we study this lesson of healing, touch our hearts in Jesus' name, teach us to know Your will for divine healing, help us to gain understanding through the knowledge we receive, so we can walk in wisdom concerning divine healing for Your people today. Bless us to be healed in our bodies as we read and study this lesson. There are so many wrong teaching on healing today, that is why we all have wrong thinking on the subject of healing for today. You love us just as much as You loved those in Bible days, amen. Thank You, Lord, for the blessing to be able to hear with our spiritual ear and learn of You. This we pray in Jesus' Name, AMEN.



1).     T or F: God worked miracles of healing through the apostle Paul, but as to the original twelve apostles, Peter was the only one He used.


TRUE____ FASLE_____

2).     To whom was He speaking and where was He when Jesus said, "Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, 'Physician, heal yourself'." _______


A.    To worshipers in the synagogue in his home town, Nazareth. 

B.   To a group of fishermen in Capernaum.

C.   To Herod in the Praetorium.

D.   To a group of doctors and laws in Capernaum.


3).     Paul the apostle "prescribed" a little wine for Timothy's  infirmities or ailments (sicknesses).


Week # 2


Scripture Reading:  Luke 17


According to Luke 17:12, where was Jesus when He saw the men with leprosy?

Choose the right answer from A-D______.


A.      As He was about to retire for the night at an inn.

B.      On the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

C.      As He was paying money at a tax collector's booth.

D.      As He was going into a village.


According to this study: Questions:


1).     What scriptures tells us that by Jesus' stripes we were healed?

2).     In order to get healed, what must we do? Explain.

3).     Why is it important to know God's will?


My Confessions:

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