Tuesday, September 12, 2017

WEEK # 5 Questions/Answers:

1).     What was David's occupation? 

David was a shepherd.

2).     What do shepherds do?

They keep sheep, guide them, and protect them from wolves and danger.

3).     Why did Jesse, David's father, send David to the battlefield?

See how the battle was going and check on his sons, David's brothers.

1.    4).          What did David see when he got to the front lines? (a giant named Goliath)

He saw the army of Israel running from this giant named Goliath, and the battle at a stand-still.

5).     What was Goliath's boast?

Goliath was defiling the name of God, and speaking against Israel's army, challenging them to send someone to fight him.

6).     Why was everyone afraid in Saul's army?

This was a giant in their eye sights, a warrior in battle, and he had brothers too that was giants, so this was frightening the men in Saul's army.

7).     What did David offer to do?

David offer to fight the giant

8).     Who are disciples of God?

We are God's disciples today. We are warriors in the army of the Lord.

9). In order to have fellowship with God, what must we do?

We must confess and forsake our sins. David fellowshipped with God by spending time in prayer with God.

10). Do you have a time set aside to fellowship with God?

Yes, I do! I try to spend time with God each and every day, most during the morning.

11). Is praying and praising God fellowshipping with Him?

Yes, I truly believe it is! When you open Church services you always sing a song, praise God in worship, pray, and read the Word.

12). Is spending time in God's Word fellowshipping with Him?

Yes, as I said earlier, spending time with God in His Word is fellowshipping with Him; God talks to us through His Word.

13). What is meditating?

To focus,  I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. (Ps. 119:15); To understand, Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. (Ps. 119:27) To remember; I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. (Ps. 143:5); To worship, But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. (Ps. 1:2)  To apply,  Finally, we're better able to understand how to apply the Bible when we slow down to meditate. In applying what we read, we ask, "Now what must I do?" Here's a brief example. Let's say you're reading Titus 3:3-4:

14). Do you pray early in the morning, noon, and night?

Now, this is something I have been trying to stop and do, don't get me wrong, I still pray in whatever state I found myself. I practice to pray early in the morning, try to pray noon, but sometimes I can't, and at night I pray when I hit the bed; my heart is always praying. I just need to stop and pray. This is one of my prayers daily. Lord, give me time to stop and just pray, talk to You, not just in my heart. I love the Lord, and I want to pray for than I do.

15). How do our souls thirst for God?

Desiring God and thirsting for Him and His Word; Our desire is to be on God and His Word, and when that desire is not there, then we should pray and ask God to put it there, and then follow it through, amen.

16). Name one thing that teach us to strive to know God early in life.

The Word of God teaches us to strive to know God early in life, and if we haven't it's never too late!

17). What is your understanding of the word fellowship?

Communicate, talking, sharing, and intimacy with God.

18). How did Daniel fellowship with God?

Daniel prayed daily, morning, noon, and night no matter what. Daniel believed in his God so much that he ignored the king and prayed anyway. That was his fellowship with God, because he couldn't go to the Temple, but he trusted God. Daniel loved his God!!

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