Monday, November 6, 2017


1). Can you describe your relationship with God as your Father?
My relationship with God is personal now. I can see Him as my Father now and as my God; I can go to Him in secret and talk with Him and when I finish at that moment I am so at peace. I can now talk with Him daily while doing work, when I lay down, while I am driving, and at any given time I feel so welcome, so accepted; I am not just saying this, but it's true. I have learn to trust Him as my Father, my Savior Jesus, and my guide the Holy Spirit. I talk to each one of them. I ask the Father for something and He give it to me according to His will for me, and He give me peace to accept it when it's not His will; For it is God who worketh in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).

2). How can you grow your relationship with Him, as a Father to you as His child?
I truly believe it takes doing what I am doing right now, studying His Word, and learn more about Him and His plan for me. Just as an earthly father's plan for his child to go to college, he provides for them, amen. My Father provides for me, and I see it so clearly.

3). How would you describe the way your relationship with your earthly father has impacted your relationship with God the Father?
I think that was answered earlier, My earthly father provided for me, but couldn't love me like God has loved me through the years I have known Him. I know how a father loves his child now through my relationship with God the Father.

4). What is the most important part of God's Fatherhood to you?
When I can lay my head on His shoulder and cry and He does not punish me and say you are a weak person. I can actually feel His presence and feel Him smiling at me and giving me hope. That is so important to me!

5). What is the most challenging part of His Fatherhood for you to accept?
Sometimes it is very challenging for me to believe that He looks beyond my faults and see my needs and then provide it for me. I sometimes have problems with this, but God's Holy Spirit keep reminding me that He loves me so much. I have to keep on top of this!

6). What is the significance of Galatians 4:4-7 in your relationship to God?
I am a child of God through Jesus Christ, and in my heart I can truly believe and say Father to Him.

7). Record what you learned about God as Father from the following verses in the Sermon on the Mount:
          a). Matthew 5:44-45 (He loves everyone)
          b). Matthew 5:48 (His Spirit enable me to be what He is)
          c). Matthew 6:4 (He is a generous giver, and searches our heart)
          d). Matthew 6:14-15 (He is a forgiving Father, wants us to forgive too)
          e). Matthew 6:26 (He is a provider. He love the animals too)
f). Matthew 7:11 (As our Father, we can ask according to His will)
g). Matthew 7:21(As my Father I must do His will)

8). What should the Lord's Prayer be called?
According to the study it should be call "The Disciples' Prayer," why, because the Lord has no sin in His life to ask forgiveness, He was the sinless One.

9). What are the two characteristics that stand out in the Lord's Prayer?
First of all there is the simplicity of it, and then its brevity. Simplicity and brevity ought always to characterize genuine prayer.

10). What are the two major divisions in this prayer?
There is two major divisions in this prayer. There is that part of it which deals with the glory of God: "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

11). What is the last division in the prayer?
There is that other division which deals with the wants of men: "Give us this day our daily bread." I also believe it's the forgiving part too.

12). Why was the Lord's Prayer given to the disciples?
It was given because they asked Him to teach them to pray; It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples."

13). What do this statement means "We are to cross over the Jordan into the Promised Land?"
Wow, I love that statement!  I was taught years ago that we do enter our Promised Land when we accept Jesus as our Savior here on earth. We can live a victorious life right here, we can have peace right here, we can have whatsoever we say according to God's will for our lives, and this is the place of blessings. AMEN.

14). Why were the Sermon on the Mount given?
The Sermon of the Mount was given to people who were under the Law, because they were not under the Grace. 

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