Monday, February 3, 2014


 (How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life) study;   It has been a great!

I've learned to pray the prayer of (Praise/thanksgiving; Confession/repentance; Petition/supplication; Intercession/requests; Meditation/listening).  My time in this study has blessed my prayer life tremendously.  My desire to pray has grown. I have also learned that prayer is a powerful tool against the enemy.  It's good to have a close relationship with the Lord through prayer. Prayer is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Powerful prayer is for all believers, and to get it you must spend quality time with the Lord in prayer.  Through prayer God can and will change your life. A powerful biblical prayer life is God-ordained, and has powerful results for our life. Prayer is for our daily growth. There are three foundations for a powerful prayer life; you must view your daily prayer time as a relationship with God, and not some legalistic duty or discipline.  You must make an absolute commitment to consistently spend significant time alone with God in uninterrupted prayer.  And, a powerful prayer life requires the "Biblical balanced practice" of all five types of prayer; (Praise/thanksgiving; Confession/repentance; Petition/supplication; Intercession/requests; Meditation/listening).  I am spending more time in praise, which is thanksgiving and worship unto the Lord. This should be done first. The greatest way to secure God's manifest presence is to give Him genuine praise and worship, because the Word says, "God inhabits the praises of His people," (Psalms 22:3) If you will give regular time to significant praise, God will revolutionize your relationship with Himself!  It is during the time of confession and repentance that God "correct" and "adjusts" your life. Confession is how we grow and allow God to conform us to the image of Christ.  True confession must involve repentance or it is not genuine! Sin must be confessed and forsaken.  Prayers of petition is how you bring your list of needs to God. I have faith that our Father longs to give His children the desires of their heart. "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart," (Psalms 37:4).  We must be specific when we bring our petitions to God, because prayer must be biblical in order to have power with God.  If your personal petitions are brief, non-specific, and temporal, your spiritual growth will be greatly limited, and I don't want that!  It's important to make my petitions specific and in line with God's will. I have learn that God will instill the spiritual fruit and the Beatitudes in the very fabric of my heart, when I ask Him.  It is especially important to combine our intercession with the biblical promises that God has quickened in our hearts. True intercession represents the deepest and most sacrificial of all the types of prayer.  We must remember that even though we all have not been called as an ordained minister, we have been called to some level of consistent intercession.  Hearing God's voice through mediation was one of the most precious to me.  I love knowing in my spirit that God has talked with me!  I sense a great closeness to Him.  It's like embracing Him and all His awesomeness.  When God speak to you, you will know it!  A genuine relationship with God requires both talking and listening.  When we read God's Word, God is talking to us. Reading God's Word bring strength, but most of all, it bring a closeness to God too. When you pray, be sensitive to God's specific impressions through which He leads you to focus on various issues of concern. That was great!  Meditation is the intentional act of listening to God.  So true! When we fill our life with God's Word through various means of meditation, the easier we will recognize His voice when He speaks.  This bible study of "How to develop a powerful prayer life has blessed my soul.  It is a book I will recommend for all to read.  My prayer life has been strength. I give God the glory and praise. AMEN!

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