Tuesday, March 27, 2018



1).     What do meditation includes?

Meditation includes reading Scripture, thinking about it, seeking to apply what God says, asking Him questions, and surrendering any issues He brings to mind.  

2).    What drift away when we focus on God's Word?

As we focus on the Lord, worries and concerns drift away, and our minds are freed from the contamination of the things that do us no good.

3).    Name some steps to meditating on the Bible.

We meditate to focus,  we meditate to understand, we meditate to remember, we meditate to worship God, we meditate to apply what we read in God's word, and we meditate for the help of the Holy Spirit.

4).    With a few words explain how to meditate on Scripture.

I meditate on scripture by reading it slowly, and by taking every word, not hurrying, but take my time on that scripture alone. Let it get in my mind.

5).    How do we personalize a Scripture?

We put that particular scripture in the first person, then it becomes a living expression within my heart. I love to do this; "I will hold fast the profession of my faith in Christ without wavering: for He is faithful that promised me." (Hebrews 10:23).

6).    Read Joshua 1:8 (Good Scripture!)

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

7).    Give a Scripture you can illustrate personally.

Luke 1:45 is my most personal scripture; "And blessed is Claudia when she believes: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told Claudia from the Lord."

8).    How will the Scriptures greatly affect you if you mediate before you go to bed?

The thoughts that are on your mind as you go to sleep will be in your subconscious mind all through the night. I do this so I want have bad dreams too.

9).    If the Holy Spirit convict you what should you do?

If the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin in your life, confess it to the Lord and be forgiven.

10).  What do we do when meditation seems impossible, when our focus is affected by outside circumstances and our hearts feel dulled to God's Word?

We must ask God for His gracious help through the Holy Spirit as pray to Him. I have gotten like that from time to time, but I always seek God's face and He always put that zeal back in me to read and to meditate on His Word.


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