Monday, August 18, 2014


(Question #1) What is great Faith?

Great faith is when you trust and believe God's Word and act upon it before you see results; Great faith is obeying God when you don't know what to do. And most of all, It's when you take Christ at His Word and trust Him so completely that you don't require proof that He will fulfill His promise to you.

(Question #2)
What makes waiting on God's timing so difficult?

A lack of faith in God and His Word will make God's timing very difficult.

(Question #3)
Do you take an active role in the waiting process by praying, reading God's Word, and counting on His promises with expectation?

Yes, daily I stand on God's Word and I trust Him.

(Question #4)
What is the difference between doubt and unbelief when it comes to faith?

I believe in the Bible, and I have often told friends and family that God can do miracles and even raise the dead. Nevertheless, when things get tough, I find it hard to trust in the Lord. Though I tell others that they can depend upon His grace, I'm often overwhelmed with fear and anxiety when difficult situations arise. Does this mean I lack faith?

Yes and no. The truth is that we all lack faith. To be more precise, faith is not something we merely have or do not have. It's more like a process — a thing in which we either grow or diminish, progress or regress, with every passing day. It involves ups and downs, victories and setbacks, triumphs and disappointments. That's because faith is an aspect of our relationship with God — a product of our walk with Christ and the constant, gentle influence of His indwelling Holy Spirit.

(Question #5)
Who was the first person to walk by faith?

Abraham: Most of the evidences of Abraham's faith that are mentioned in Hebrews 11 show that Abraham was trusting God for a promised inheritance. Abraham left his home to obtain land. He believed God when He said that Abraham's family would be multiplied like the stars of the sky or the sands of the sea. Abraham's faith in the physical promises from God were proof that he trusted in the potential promised Redeemer who would come long after Abraham's own death.

(Question #6)
How do you learn to listen to God?

The key is to begin each day by praying, "Father, if You have anything to say to me, please speak—I'm listening."

(Question #7)
How do you learn to obey God?

In our trial and error it is very crucial for us to do exactly as He tells us. In fact, once we hear the Lord's direction, our best course of action is to submit to His commands fully and immediately—no matter what it costs us—because obedience to God always brings blessings.

(Question #8)
How do you learn to depend on God?

The more closely we walk with the Father, the more we understand how perfectly He leads us.—so we will rely upon Him completely. We must constantly remain in complete dependence upon the Father, which is the position of ultimate safety. A closer relationship is needed to depend upon Him.

(Question #9)
How do you learn to wait upon God?

We must stay in God's Word, pray, and trust Him. Trust is all He requires of His children. Waiting on God means trusting Him completely no matter how long it takes.

(Question #10)
How do we learn to acknowledge, repent, and profit from failures?

The Lord never turned His back on Abraham, and He will not forsake us either. However, God will continue to try our faith until we are able to trust Him with everything we love in life. Therefore, instead of merely regretting our failures, we should acknowledge them, repent of our unbelief, and make every effort to avoid such mistakes in the future. Most of all, we must have faith in Him and trust Him with all our heart; lean not to our own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He will direct our path, so we want stay if we do fail.    


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