Monday, August 18, 2014


1. Do you have confidence that God will fulfill every promise He's made to you?
Yes I do!

2. Do you trust Him to lead you in the best possible path for your life?
Yes I do!

3. Are you willing to put those you love most in His capable hands?
Yes I do!

I hope you can answer "yes" to these questions because when you become a believer, you entered the school of faith for this very purpose—to trust Him more. Friend, don't miss God's best in your life because of fear. Grow in your relationship with the Father by listening to, depending on, waiting on, and obeying Him. At times when you fail, learn from your mistakes. Remain devoted to the Lord even when everything appears contrary to what He has promised you. You can rest assured that He is trustworthy and will keep His promises to you. You cannot lose by trusting Him, and there is no substitute for faith in the life of a believer.     

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