Sunday, May 25, 2014


Not only did Jesus begin and base his ministry on teaching, but he also ended it with the same. The day before his crucifixion he is teaching his disciples the meaning of the Last Supper. He uses a living illustration to explain to them his shed blood and broken body. He could have used anything to teach this, but he chose the simple elements that were already available to the senses of the disciples. After the supper, he then led them down a path that evidently had vines, branches, and trees. He explained to them using a metaphor how the relationship of a vine to a branch is like Christians to the Christ.

Jesus presents the simple truth in such an authoritative and surprising way that the people ask with wonder, "Is not this Joseph's son?" His teaching ministry in Galilee leaves the people in the same condition as the doctors in the temple eighteen years earlier, astonished (Luke 4:32).

And today it is still astonishing! Its so astonishing, its hard for some people to believe it. I love the power of the spoken Word!!!    


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