Friday, August 5, 2016

Bible Study: More Sharing

Week # 7     Sharing



Week # 7         PRAYER FOCUS:

I will pray for God to put a new song in my heart for Him, and for all my praises to flow to Him.


Week # 7         PRAYER REQUEST:

Pray for divine protection over our nations during the critical upcoming elections. (Proverbs 3:5; Psalm 91).


Week # 7         APPLY IT:  A Daily Quiet Time with God

It is so important that we pray for our nation as we go to the polls to vote. We need God to help us make right decisions concerning who will lead our country back to righteousness in God's eye. We will trust the Lord and acknowledge Him in this situation. We will not let mercy and truth forsake us: We will bind them about our necks; write them upon the table of our hearts:

So that we can now find favor and good understanding in the sight of You, Lord, and man.

We will trust in the Lord with all our hearts; and we want lean to our own understanding. In all our ways we will acknowledge You, Lord, so that You direct our paths now and forever. God bless America and all countries that are represented here in this community group, amen.



Week # 7         THOUGHT4TODAY:

Turn your sights toward what is true, noble, lovely, and right-and be encouraged.


Week # 7         Reading Assignments………………..Book of Genesis Chapters 31-35

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