Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bible Study: “The Seven Habits of a godly life.” Week # 1:

(By Dr. Charles Stanley)



Father God in heaven, we come to You and praise You as we come. We honor Your Majesty always. You are worthy of all praises. We have learn that prayer is communication and fellowship with You; Our relationship with You is very important to us. Please continue to teach us how to pray and to pray always and not faint as we walk this life before You. Father, always keep our eyes open to You; thank You for the Holy Spirit who teaches us. This we pray in Jesus' name. AMEN.


Subject Lesson:        (A Life of Prayer):


Let's recap and then study more on the life of prayer; Good subject, amen.


We see this modeled by Jesus. Although the disciples and the crowds did not understand why He withdrew when there was so much good He could do, Jesus knew that prayer was an important priority of His life.

Mark 1:35 "In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there."

Luke 4:42 "When day came, Jesus left and went to a secluded place; and the crowds were searching for Him, and came to Him and tried to keep Him from going away from them."

Prayer that promotes godliness is not merely occasional petitions offered in times of trouble or need but a daily conversation with the Father that springs from love for Him and gratitude for who He is and what He does. It's not a duty but a delight.

Jesus' disciples observed that His prayers were very different from the ritualistic prayers that were so common in that day. Seeing how He spoke so personally with His heavenly Father prompted them to ask Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1).

Since we live in a world filled with temptations, trials, heartaches, burdens, and sin, an intimate prayer life should be a priority because it keeps us connected to almighty God and sensitive to His will. Whatever we do will be accomplished on our knees as we submit to the Lord, give Him our time, and listen for His instruction.


Prayer That Moves God:


Scripture: Acts 12:1-19, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 7:7; 18:19; 21:22, Luke22:44, 2 Corinthians 5:8


Many people wonder why their prayers aren't answered, and some even give up praying because it hasn't worked.

There are a variety of reasons why God doesn't respond to our prayers. Perhaps something in our lives is preventing Him from answering, or maybe our request is not according to His will. However, another reason for unanswered prayer is that we may not be praying to the one true God, but to a god whom we've fashioned according to our own preferences and desires.

Acts 12:1-19 records an example of how the Lord answered the fervent prayers of His people and shows us how we too can pray effectively.

When King Herod mistreated the believers in Jerusalem and had James put to death, he saw that it pleased the Jews, many of whom hated the Christians and considered them a cult. Therefore, he decided to imprison Peter and assign four squads of soldiers to guard him. Each squad consisted of two soldiers who were chained to Peter on each side and two who were stationed outside. The squads were rotated every six hours to ensure that he could not escape. Herod's intention was to bring Peter before the Jews after Passover and put him to death.

In response to Peter's imprisonment, the Christians gathered together in Mary's house to pray. Their faith was probably wavering because James had already been killed, and now they were facing the loss of Peter. Verse 5 sums up the situation: "So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God."

Prayer that moves God is offered "to God."

The first element of effective prayer is that it be directed to the one true God. The Jerusalem church and all of us who are believers in Christ can confidently bring our requests to the Lord because we know the One to whom we pray.

However, many people today say they believe in God and pray to Him, but in reality, their prayers are directed to a deity whom they have created in their own minds. He suits their lifestyle and is in agreement with whatever they request. Furthermore, this self-made god doesn't convict them of sin, righteousness, or a coming judgment. If anyone questions them about the nature of their god or what they ask of him, they often become defensive, declaring that their religion is a private affair and no one else's business.

The one true God is holy and righteous, hates sin, and will one day judge every person. He is the Creator of the world, and the one who condemned the earth by sending a flood. He has given us the Ten Commandments as His righteous standard, the encouraging psalms of David, and prophecies regarding the future through His prophets. And ultimately, He has given us His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Lord through whom we have the forgiveness of our sins. Our God loves us unconditionally but will not tolerate sin in our lives because He knows it's destructive. He alone has the power to answer our prayers and fulfill His promise to give us eternal life with Him forever in heaven.

In contrast, a man-made god has no power to answer prayer and can offer no assurance of heaven. Although many people have discounted the reality of hell and have tried to find comfort in saying their god is one of love who welcomes everyone into heaven, they have no foundation for such a hope. All their prayers are useless and have no effect on their lives.

Prayer that moves God is offered fervently:

From a human perspective, there was no hope for Peter, who was going to be executed the next day, but God answered the prayers of the Christians who were interceding on his behalf. An angel appeared in the jail cell, awakened Peter, and told him to quickly follow him. Immediately his chains fell off, and as he followed the angel past the first and second guard, the iron-gate opened by itself. Peter found himself on a street--then the angel suddenly disappeared. Then he realized this was not a vision but that he'd been rescued by God.

After making his way to Mary's house, Peter knocked on the gate, but the servant girl who answered was so surprised that she ran back to the group without letting Peter in. Yet the Christians who had been fervently praying for Peter had a hard time believing that the Lord had actually answered their prayer until they saw him with their own eyes.

Fervent prayer is motivated by love and deep concern and is offered with enthusiasm, feeling, and faith. This is not a casual listing of requests, but prayer that flows from the heart over a pressing need. For example, when Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was in agony and "praying very fervently" (Luke 22:44). It's also persistent prayer that doesn't stop asking, seeking, and knocking until God answers (Matthew 7:7).

Praying fervently for others may involve requests for deliverance from a situation, but it could also include praying that the Lord would block or hinder someone from continuing down a dangerous or destructive path. Having a prayer list helps us remember the needs of others and provides a written record of how the Lord has answered our requests and worked in our lives.

Prayer that moves God is made according to His will and in agreement with fellow believers:

When we have a burden on our heart, we should seek out someone who can pray with us. A prayer partner offers encouragement, support, guidance, and accountability. ( According to Matthew 18:19), God answers requests when two people agree in prayer about anything that is according to His will.

Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do, and God desires to answer our prayers when we come to Him with a clean heart. But sin in our lives hinders our requests. The Lord will not answer petitions that help us continue down a path of disobedience because that will not benefit us. Therefore, we should always seek to make requests according to God's desires and ask Him to block anything that interferes with His will for our lives. And as we faithfully pray, He will give us a discerning spirit to know the truth and insight we need for life.

Week #1


1).     Read Mark 1:35, and tell what you think secluded means.

2).    Read Luke 4:42, do you have a secluded place to pray?

3).    What do prayer promotes?

4).    Why do you suppose Jesus' prayer life was different?

5).    Why is an intimate prayer life a priority?

6).    Who prayed for Peter when he was in prison?

7).    What is the prayer that moves God?

8).    What is a fervent prayer?

9).    What is the difference between fervent prayers and repetitious  prayers?

10).  How many people it takes to agree in a prayer?


Weekly Stay Focus:

Weekly Life Principle:

Weekly reading assignments: (Hebrews 1-2)

Weekly Prayer Focus:

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